Angry Grandpa: Lost Episude

I useded bee a fayn uf agrny grampa, until now, when i saw a reely skeery lost episude, hopefully my story lasts more than 24 hours.

Chapter 1: Thee FleeMarket

I wented to flee market and saw sum old games, but i wuz lokking fer movies, and not gams. I saw a case wit sum sharpie pen writtened on it, i sayed "Angry Grandpa Lost Episude". The clurk gave a 99.9% discount, so i had to pey a penny fer a epiisude of angry grampda. The clark sayed that it was owned by a kid that died a year ago or something.

Chapter 2: I watched the video

I literally threw the cd into the cd player, it nearly broke the cd, I put the cd in the case and closed it with my foot, nearly breaking it. It sayed "Pickleboy's" and "Angry Grandpa meets" I played Pickleboy's suicid ferst. It showed a 3:14 minute video of Pickleboy crying at a bunch of comments calling him fat, he then posted a video saying "I'm Sorry" it showed him being beaten up by a bunch of gagnsters, they then got ran over by a truck, the camera man culd be herd gagging in his bludz. Pickleboy got up, got a rifle, went home and told Bridgette to post the video. A bunch of gibberish was herd and dehn a loud bang was herd, bridgette was screeming. Bridgette was seen covured in blodz and tiers. the time thingy sayed 6:66, so i terned it off. and steruted "Angry Grandpa meets" The episude stearuted with Mustdestroyall entering Angry grampa's house with a machete, he knocked out angry grandpa in his sleeep and cut his limbs off. then, tina (neighbor) came with a rifle and shot Mustdestroyall in the back of the head, when she saw Angry Grandpa's corpse, she started crying, she took oat the rifle and shotted her brainz out.
Then i killed my self and im died